BPS - MS Acupuncture
Focused on personal wellbeing, James Kelly Caldwell is a lifelong learner of holistic Chinese medicine, philosophy, and martial arts. In addition to his studies in acupuncture, Caldwell is fascinated by the benefits of Tai Chi and Qigong. Caldwell believes in balance, inner strength, and mental agility to prevent health issues and benefit from manipulating energies. As a student of the Tai Chi movement, he is enthusiastic to learn the benefits and mastering the meditation of movement practice. Additionally, Caldwell believes in the positive implants Qigong brings to holistic wellbeing though coordinated body posture movement, breathing and meditation. In addition to his studies of Chinese Medicine, Caldwell is fluent in Italian language and culture. It is possible that Caldwell’s passion stems from Star Wars, May the Chi be with you.